News zu Cheap Thrills


27.08.2009 - 23:54:58     Cheap Thrills    
Die Aachener CHEAP THRILLS geben hiermit ihre Auflösung bekannt: "Cheap Thrills is done for. After almost five years we decided to not continue Cheap Thrills any longer. There was no longer enough energy in the band to keep it alive and we surely wouldn't want to force it if need be. We'd rather stop at this high point, than to slowly let this... mehr »

CHEAP THRILLS - neuer Song online

25.11.2007 - 15:40:40     Cheap Thrills    
CHEAP THRILLS haben mit 'Dark Minds' einen Song ihrer aktuellen Platte (Filled With Hate/Sandblaster Records) auf unser aller Lieblings-Social-Networking-Seite zugänglich gemacht. Klickt... mehr »