BRING ME THE HORIZON - Sykes gesteht Drogenabhänigkeit



Während der AP Music Awards Verleihung hat BMTH Leadsänger Oliver Skyes in einer sehr emotionalen Rede über seine Abhänigkeit von der Droge Ketamin gesprochen.
BRING ME THE HORIZON haben mit ihrem aktuellen Album "Sempiternal" bei den Awards den Preis für das Album des Jahres gewonnen. In den USA hat die Band etwa 30.000 Kopien des Tonträgers verkauft.

"I want to say something that I never thought I'd actually talk about. Before we wrote 'Sempiternal', I was a fucking drug addict. I was addicted to a drug called ketamine; I was on it for years and I was fucked off my head. My band wanted to kill me, my parents wanted to kill me and my fucking brother wanted to kill me; everyone wanted to kill me, everybody wanted to fucking take me to hell, but they didn't. They stood by me, they supported me through all of that shit and we wrote 'Sempiternal' because of it.
No one fucking knows, no one fucking knows this, but I went to rehab for a month, and through that time, as well as my fucking band and my family, you guys — you had no fucking idea that I was in rehab — but you were sending me letters, you were sending me texts, you were sending me fucking emails.
And when I got out of that rehab I didn't want to fucking scream anymore, I wanted to sing it from the fucking rooftops. And it's all thanks to you, so thank you very much."