MEG & DIA - Video zu "American Spirit"




Mit "Happysad" ist das neue MEG & DIA Album am vergangenen Freitag via Pure Noise Records erschienen. Anbei stellt das wiedervereinte Duo mit American Spirit" einen Videoclip zum Song der Platte vor. Dia kommentiert die Reunion der Geschwister:

 “There was this thing that just started calling meI wasn’t happy playing alone.” 

Meg fuegt hinzu: 

“I had been toying with the idea of manifestation,” explains Meg, “and bringing about a reality with my mind. I had the desire to be creative and have a deeper connection with Dia, so I started visualizing us playing together again for a week, and on the eighth day she called me and asked. And there was no hesitation. I was so ready to jump on board."