Jeremy Bolm, Sänger bei TOUCHÉ AMORÉ hat sein eigenes Label mit dem Namen Secret Voice an den Start gebracht. Der Output des Labels wird via Deathwish Inc produziert und vertrieben.
Bolm erklärt: "What is Secret Voice? It's an excuse. It's an excuse to release different things that I fully believe in, whether it's a record, book, video, etc. The wonderful people at Deathwish Inc. have blessed me with this opportunity. I have been lucky enough to spend most of the last few years traveling, and in my travels I have met a lot of talented people and seen a lot of fantastic bands that have influenced my decision to get this project off the ground. When we were in Europe this last Summer I made the mistake of forgetting my music and books in our van back in the states. This lead to a lot of time to think about what else I wanted to do with my life aside from Touche Amore. I've always dreamed of working at a label, so what's better than starting one with your friends helping you out? Well, here goes nothing."
Das erste Secret Voice Release wird die selbstbetitelte 7" von SINGLE MOTHERS aus Ontario sein. Ein Release Date steht noch nicht, aber einen Track könnt ihr bereits nachfolgend hören:
SINGLE MOTHERS "Winter Coats" (on Secret Voice) by deathwishinc