Die beiden US-Bands werden Anfang Oktober via No Sleep Records eine gemeinsame Split-EP veröffentlichen, auf der jeweils einen neuen Song plus eine Coverversion zu hören geben wird.
TOUCHÉ AMORÉ-Frontmann Jeremy Bolmes dazu:
"This is a big win for TA. We met Nathan and Junior when we toured alongside Coalesce in 2010 and had gushed to them our love for The Casket Lottery. Their album Survival is for Cowards was produced by Ed Rose (who produced Parting the Sea Between Brightness and Meas well as the rest of the CL catalog) and served as the focal point for the sound we wanted to achieve. This being their first release since 2003, we are very honored to be apart of it."
Das Tracklisting anbei:
Touche Amore:
1. Whale Belly
2. Unsatisfied (originally by The Replacements)
The Casket Lottery:
1. White Lies
2. Myth (originally by Beach House)