Hi there how’s it going? How do you feel now as “Atlas” is finally recorded and will hit the stores these days?
Feeling pretty good. We've never been happier with the music we've made. Im actually excited to get my hands on it personally, I still have yet to see the whole package with artwork. The art and lyrics mean a lot to me so i'm really siked to see if it all came together the way we envisioned.
Why did you choose such a dark album theme, and would you consider it a concept album?
It not a concept album but it does follow a theme in that it was written during an intense time for the band. Both the music and the lyrics are results of this time.
The theme of “Atlas” is something I can really identify with. Do you feel there is a kind of duty especially for my generation (I’m 23 years old and a student) that we need to fulfill if we want to change the situation?
Yes, but change needs to happen on a massive scale, and unfortunately it is never the generation in power that will be the ones effected, which leads to disconnection and apathy. If they won't be effected by the repercussions, why care? People talk and act like change is happening, but the scale is too small.
Imagine in a couple of years, your children will ask you that particular question from Dark Days: “What went wrong”, what would you say to them?
A combination of apathy, misplaced power, misplaced trust and human fear.
On “Atlas” you used some new sounds for a couple of tracks: we got trumpets, female guest vocals and even some scratching. Did you felt confident using them? Considering that the people nowadays, react pretty harsh when bands are “changing” their sound?
No we didn't, but that was the idea. We really wanted to push ourselves, especially with the sounds we wanted to create. It would have been easy to make another standard album. Easy isn't fun. We never really cared if people liked it or not, we just wanted to make the sounds that we bought in work, and not sound like a cheap gimmick. I think there is much more this band can do with its sound, hopefully this is just the start.
You are an incredible live-band, next month you will start your tour through Europe. Where do you gain all that energy for your intense shows and almost never ending touring?
We enjoy ourselves. It is so fun playing live, that's why we started this band in the first place. It's not really a challenge to have fun, especially when the shows are this awesome.
What was the motivation for you guys to tour such destinations as Calcutta or Jagfontein?
We haven't actually made it to South Africa yet. Africa is the last continent for us to cover. We like playing music, and we like to travel, and the fact that people support this band to the point that we can play so many places is amazing. We figure if people are going to support us, we're going to try and play a gig for them.
How do you choose the songs for a show especially now, when you’ve got 12 new tracks?
hahaha, with great difficulty. We're not sure what we're going to do on this tour, but we'll play as much as we can.
I think “Atlas” is the best album you ever wrote and most possibly your masterpiece. How do you want to top this one with a new record? Or did you ever thought about the saying “Leave on a high note.”?
Not leaving, not yet. Im so excited to write another record. It will be a fair while before you hear another record from Parkway, but Atlas is just the beginning.