ALLSCHOOLS: When I was doing my research for this interview, there was one thing I found out: That the web hardly knows anything about your band and there are just the slightest bits of information flying around. What would you tell a fan who is trying to write a Wikipedia entry for you?
Heavy band from Alabama traveling the world.
ALLSCHOOLS: Your second album Milestone was released in summer 2012. If all today’s world electronic ways of playing music in advance before purchasing it would fail (speakers, the radio, etc.), how would you describe the sound of your album to a potential buyer of it?
I'd say its got a lot for everyone. Heavy, melodic, some singing, etc
ALLSCHOOLS: Your band name makes it very clear for everyone that you are a Christian band. However, in another interview you stated that you don’t like preaching at your concerts. So, do you rather see yourself as a band of Christians, who happen to do music, or do you rather consider yourselves as musicians who put their focus on a Christian message?
We just personally don't want to use our stage as a platform for it. I enjoy talking to people off stage about my faith very much. We are definitely a Christian band. No doubt about it, BUT we don't necessarily use the stage to tell you that.
ALLSCHOOLS: Would you like to mention any kind of special music, literature or movies that might be influencing you and your work at the moment?
My musical influences right now are probably Sevendust and Hatebreed big time. LOVE THOSE BANDS.
ALLSCHOOLS: What was your funniest (in case you don’t have one: nerve-wracking) tour experience so far?
Timmy (Our bassist), once at HORSE SUSHI in Japan. Yes, let that sink in. It was raw horse over rice.
ALLSCHOOLS: You are coming over for your first European tour. Have any of guys already been there? What are your expectations for these 25 shows?
I've been here once on a trip. I think we all just wanna play some gigs and meet some new people. Really pumped on the reaction we've gotten so far. Kids screaming our lyrics at us in places we've never been is always encouraging!