Zu ihrem Song “LOTL”, der zweiten Auskopllung ihrer aktuellen Platte “Symmetry”, stellen 7 MINUTES IN HEAVEN aus Chicago einen Videoclip vor. Die EP ist via Rude Records erschienen - zur Single erklaert Frontmann und Gitarrist Timmy Rasmussen:
“The action of breaking away from the status quo, forcing you to create your own path and taking action to find a solution. Calling yourself out for not doing the things you've set out to do, and letting go of what’s been holding you back to allow yourself to grow. Self-reflecting that everything works itself out in the end if you believe in yourself and are aware of what’s going on around you.
The concept of the video is just taking a negative experience and turning it into a positive one. At the end of the day, it is our own individual choice whether to focus on everything that went wrong or decide to make the best of it. We have to push ourselves out of our comfort zones, and allow ourselves to be vulnerable to learn what's inside of us and around us, and grow from it.”