ANDREW PALEY (THE STATIC AGE) - Soloalbum im November



ANDREW PALEY ist bekannt als Frontmann von THE STATIC AGE, den Wavepunkrockern aus Chicago. Am 18. November veroeffentlicht der Saenger und Gitarrist sein neues Soloalbum "Sirens" via Paper & Plastick bzw. Make My Day Records. Vorab stellt PALEY mit "Come Home" den Opener der Platte im STREAM vor, welcher ebenfalls unten zu finden ist.

Den Song kommentiert der Songwriter wie folgt:

‘Come Home’ came together sometime last year based on a lyric I had rattling around in my head for a while”, Paley explains. “It felt a little too raw to me at first, as many of the songs that I end up keeping to myself do, but I figured I’d see how it felt to play it live during a tour across Germany with The Lion and the Wolf later that summer.” Over the course of the tour, Paley got over his hesitation towards the song and played it every night with George harmonizing with him on the chorus. The version stuck, and will now appear as the opening track on Sirens.”