AUSTRIAN DEATH MACHINE haben den Nachfolger zu 'Total Brutal' fertiggestellt - 'Double Brutal'!
Hier die Pressemitteilung:
Mit den Limitierungen einer Einzel-CD unzufrieden, hat Ahhnold von seinem Label eine Doppel-CD Veröffentlichung voller Muskelmetal verlangt! Die genauen Gründe hierfür beantwortet er mit, “Two discs made it heavy and brutal enough to crush our enemies, see them driven before us, and to hear the lamentations of their women!!!”
'Double Brutal' hat mehr Saft als jeder Profisportler. Die erste Disc enthält die soon-to-be-Classics 'See You At The Party Richter' und 'Let Off Some Steam Bennett'.
Die zweite CD ist vollgestopft mit Metalcovern und enthält u.a. Metallicas 'Trapped Under Ice' und 'Killing Is My Business…and Business Is Good' von niemand geringerem als Megadeth.
AUSTRIAN DEATH MACHINE Gitarrist, Bassist, Drummer und Sänger Tim Lambesis fügt hinzu: “Most bands sit around in a rehearsal room for a few years to put out a 10 song album and do a tour supporting that release. I've been a busy touring with As I Lay Dying and travelled everywhere this year besides Antarctica, but in the five minutes that I was home between tours I decided to put together a double disc of Ahhnold inspired brutality called Double Brutal. Also, Ed Repka (the legend behind the artwork for Megadeth) did an amazing job on this album cover.”
Nachfolgend das Artwork und die Tracklist des Releases:

Disc 1
1. Double Ahhnold
2. I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, and Your Motorcycle (from Terminator 2)
featuring guest shredding by Andrew Tapley
3. Let Off Some Steam Bennett (from Commando)
featuring guest shredding by Rusty Cooley
4. Who Writes the Songs? (The Real Bomb Track)
5. It's Simple, If it Jiggles it's Fat (from Pumping Iron)
featuring guest shredding by Andrew Tapley
6. See You at the Party Richter (from Total Recall)
featuring guest shredding by Chris Storey
7. Hey Cookie Monster, Nothing is as Brutal as Neaahhh
8. Who Told You You Could Eat My Cookies? (from Jingle All the Way)
featuring guest shredding by Mark MacDonald
9. Come on Cohaagen, Give Deez People Ehyar (from Total Recall)
featuring guest shredding by Buz McGrath
10. Who is Your Daddy, and What Does He? 2
11. Come on, Do it, Do it, Come on, Come on, Kill me, Do it Now (from Predator)
featuring guest shredding by Kris Norris
12. Allow Me To Break The Ice (from Batman & Robin)
featuring guest shredding by James Gericke
13. Conan, What is Best in Life? (from Conan the Barbarian)
featuring guest shredding by Rocky Gray & Jason Suecof
Disc 2
1. Intro to the Intro
2. T2 Theme
3. Hell Bent for Leather (from Terminator 2 / Judas Priest cover)
4. Time Travel: The Metallica Conspiracy
5. Trapped Under Ice (from Batman & Robin / Metallica cover)
6. Iron Fist (from Terminator / Motörhead cover)
7. Recalling Mars
8. I Turned into a Martian (from Total Recall / Misfits cover)
9. Killing is My Business…and Business is Good (from everything / Megadeth cover)
10. Tactically Dangerous - Cannibal Commando (from Commando / Goretorture cover)
11. Gotta Go (from Terminator / Agnostic Front cover)
'Double Brutal' erscheint am 25. bzw. 28 September in Europa!