SEE YOU NEXT TUESDAY befinden sich auf dem Weg zu ihrer ersten Europatour, die am 16. August in London ihren Auftakt hat. Gitarrist DREW SLAVIK hierzu:
“I guess basically not only are we stoked to finally go to europe to see all new places and what not, but also ecstatic to play in front of all new people. I never really thought i would ever end up going to europe, let alone tour there”.
SEE YOU NEXT TUESDAY werden ihr neues Album ‘INTERVALS’ am 13. Oktober veröffentlichen. Als Support für ihre Tour wurden TRIGGER THE BLOODSHED bestätigt.
+ Trigger The Bloodshed
August 2008
16th (UK) LONDON – Underworld
17th (UK) HULL – The Well Club
18th (UK) HUDDERSFIELD – The Chapel
19th (UK) GLASGOW – Ivory Blacks
20th (UK) ABERDEEN – Drummonds
21st (UK) LEEDS - Rios
22nd (UK) NORWICH – Queen Charlotte
23rd (B) IEPER - Ieperfest
26th (D) TRIER – Exhaus
27th (D) BIELEFELD - Falkendom
28th (D) BERLIN – Eastend
29th (D) BAUTZEN – Steinhaus
30th (B) SINT NIKLAAS – OJC Kompas
31st (UK) BRIGHTON – Engine Rooms
September 2008
1st (UK) BOURNEMOUTH – The Gander
2nd (UK) PLYMOUTH – White Rabbit
3rd (UK) NEWPORT – T.J.s
4th (UK) STOKE ON TRENT – The Glebe
5th (UK) BIRMINGHAM – Barfly
6th (UK) SWINDON – Furnace
7th (UK) LIVERPOOL – Barfly