Der Song "Faith Alone" stammt urspruenglich vom 1990'er BAD RELIGION Album "Against The Grain". Anbei stellt die Punkrocklegende mit "Faith Alone 2020" eine neu interpretierte Version des Songs vor, die mit pompoesen Arrangement daherkommt. Sänger und Co-Songwriter Greg Graffin kommentiert:
“I have always written songs on piano. Some of our earliest songs were written on my mom’s piano. I’ve been home a lot and so I started recording a bunch of our songs that way. Brett (Gurewitz) thought ‘Faith Alone’ was particularly relevant for this moment. For me, it exemplifies what’s special about the band, which is that we write songs that go to the spiritual and intellectual aspects of human existence.”
Gitarist und Epitaph-Labelbetreiber Brett Gurewitz fuegt hinzu:
"I think the message of ‘Faith Alone’ really resonates with everything that’s happening right now. Racial injustice, Trump, the COVID pandemic, the rejection of science, none of these things can be solved by burying our heads in the sand. We’ve always believed problems can be solved through reason and action, not faith and prayer. It’s what we’ve been writing about since the band started.”