BARCODE - Dezimieren sich selbst



Die Dänen BARCODE verkünden leider keine guten Nachrichten, denn Drummer und auch Sänger haben die Band verlassen.

Hier das Statement der Band dazu:

"It's been a while, eh...a lot of shit has been goin' down the past year. We played some killer gigs on the Persistence Tour last December, and a couple of shows on home ground in January and February, and that's about the last time we were all together.

Unfortunately Snick [drums] hurt his back seriously in the beginning of the year, and has not been 100% since. We hoped that surgery and some relaxation could fix it, but about two months ago, he had to make the hardest decision for a drummer to make — quit drumming! A slap in the face for the band, but a huge kick in the nuts for Snick. We all wish him the best... On top of that, Butch [vocals] decided to leave the band about a month ago, due to career and family business. Best wishes to him too. So I guess you can say that BARCODE is 'down on its knees' right now. We're not planning shows at this point, but as you might know; shit floats, so we'll be back eventually.