BELMONT - neue EP am 13. Maerz




BELMONT aus Chicago spielen Hardcore mit progressiver Alternative-Note und werden ihre neue EP "Reflections" am 13. Maerz via Pure Noise Records veroeffentlichen. Heute bereits stellt die Band mit “Deadweight” nach "By My Side" und "Stay Up" den dritten der sechs Songs im Stream vor. Schlagzeuger Brian Lada sagt": 

“We are excited to finally show the world 'Reflections'. These songs were recorded in different places over an extended period of time. They are a collection of new ideas, experimentation, and an opportunity to lay down anything we’ve ever wanted in our music, but have been hesitant of trying in the past. Special thanks to Pure Noise Records, and everyone who made this possible. We will now be going into the studio for our second album”