Bis dato betroffen ist scheinbar nur der Auftritt der Kanadier auf dem GROEZROCK-Festival. Schuld an der Absage ist eine Operation am Herzen von Schlagzeuger Aaron, der bis zum April nicht wieder zu 100% einsatzbereit sein wird.
Das Statement des Drummers lautet wie folgt:
"I never thought I would have to write another letter like this. In March of 2006, I wrote a letter telling you all I have MS. Now I am writing to tell you that I have a problem with my heart that needed to be fixed. On Feb 2nd, I had open-heart surgery to repair a leaky aortic valve. It’s going to take a couple of months before I start feeling normal again. In the meantime Jonny, Ben and Ian will be putting the finishing touches on our new record. I finished all of my drums in December so I’m going to take the next few months to get better. Unfortunately, we are going to have to pull out of playing Groezrock in Belgium in April. We were really looking forward to this as it was the perfect show to start touring this record. So many of our friends will be there and to share the stage with Refused was a dream come true. To all our fans in Belgium, we promise we will make this up to you. For now, please look forward to a new single soon and new album in July.
The surgery went perfect but healing takes a while. No other shows will be affected and I look forward to seeing you all in the summer.