Ich hab ein wenig den Überblick darüber verloren, wer sich dieses Jahr alles aufgelöst hat aber BRAND NEW DISASTER aus Richmond/Harrisburg, VA sind nun ebenfalls dem Club beigetreten.
Folgendes hatte die Band hierzu zu sagen:
"has nothing to do with fighting or disagreements. We've always been on the best of terms and we're leaving on them too. If I could sum up the reasons in one short sentence, i'd say that "real life" and being in a band have a way of directly colliding with each other on a regular basis. And for some of us right now, "real life" is where we're being called. That being said, we didn't want Brand New Disaster to become a weekend band or just a hobby. It's always been such a huge part of our lives, and to make it a hobby just wouldn't be the same. We've always been all-or-nothing about this band and we felt it was important to remain true to that. [...]"
Es bestehen bereits Gerüchte über diverse neue Projekte, mal schaun was da noch kommt...