Die kanadischen Hardcorepunkhelden CANCER BATS veroeffentlichen heute ueberraschend und unangekuendigt ihr neues Album „The Spark That Moves“ via Bat Skull Records. Die Platte entstand in Zusammenarbeit mit JP Peters (u.a. Propagandhi) in dessen Private Ear Studio in Winnipeg/Manitoba und wurde gemixt von Eric Ratz. Am 3. Mai werden Liam Cormier und Co. eine exklusive Jubiläumsshow zum 10-jährigen des Albums „Hail Destroyer“ im Jungle Club in Koeln spielen.
Anbei spricht Cormier exklusik ueber die Einfluesse der neuen Platte - und kommentiert die Veröffentlichung wie folgt:
"April 20th marks the release of our 6th studio The Spark That Moves. This being our most exciting endeavour, not only releasing the album ourselves on our new label Bat Skull Records, but also choosing To forgo the traditional teaser, pre order roll out, instead releasing the entire album as a surprise ! Both vinyl and CDs ready to ship immediately! To add to the excitement weve created 11 music videos to accompany each song on the album. Our reasoning being that we wanted to shake things up and try something new and that we as fans of music just want to hear new things right away.
We decided to line all of this up with our 10 year anniversary tour of Hail Destroyer, because we thought no better place to share our new record than with all of the people who have supporting us for the last 10 yrs. No pre order, no waiting, just roll up to the show and grab a record and enjoy. We couldnt be more excited that this has actually worked out the way we planned and i cant wait to see how stoked everyone is going to be!!!"