Die Poppunkband CAROUSEL KINGS stellt mit "Lock Meowt" einen weiteren neuen Song ihres kommenden Albums "Plus Ultra" vor. Die Platte erscheint am 31. Mai via Victory Records. Frontmann David Alexander kommentiert:
“This is the most energetic song from the album. It is my favorite track from Plus Ultra and has some of CAROUSEL KINGS’ best guitar work ever.”
Der Videoclip zu “Lock Meowt” entstand in Zusammenarbeit mit "The Catcade", einem Non-Profit-Katzenheim in Chicago. Die Band erklaert:
“Cat videos and memes are so fun and we wanted to incorporate that as part of our journey with pets. Life is tough. We've all been locked out of something in life - from homes and cars to friendships and partnerships - but for me being a country boy from Pennsylvania, I can always rely on a fuzzy animal intervention. They’ll never let you feel abandoned.”