COUNTERPARTS - neues Video zum US-Tourstart



Ab sofort sind die Kanadier von COUNTERPARTS als Support von Architects und Stick To Your Guns auf Tour, um ihre aktuelle Platte “You’re Not You Anymore” - erschienen via Pure Noise Records - auch live vorzustellen. Zum Titelsong der Platte stellt die Hardcoreband unten einen Videoclip vor. Frontmann Brendan Murphy kommentiert:

“The “YNYA” video is a fairly drastic change for us. We are the "who gives a shit" band when it comes to most things other than writing music, so to be able to dabble in such an artistic and professional realm is very cool. The director, Josh Halling, killed it and it feels like we made a mini movie as opposed to a music video. It's a nice break from our usual performance heavy video style and I hope you all enjoy it