Die Japaner von CROSSFAITH kuendigen mit "Wipeout" eine neue EP fuer den 26. Januar an. Die Platte soll via UNFD erscheinen - mit dem Titelsong streamt die Elektrometalband unten bereits einen ersten Track der Platte. FRontmann Ken Koie kommentiert:
"WIPEOUT is about our future... no one can stop the future, so we chose to dive straight in. These new songs are the guide for where Crossfaith are going - Inside The Flames is heavy and exciting, and Vermillion Gold is super-fast and more technical.
Japan is looking to the future. We will host the Olympic Games in 2020, which is the year that the legendary film AKIRA was set. Everyone cares about what’s coming next, and Crossfaith have decided to describe our music as images from the future. We want WIPEOUT to be the key to a new door in your mind"