Die "Thrashgrass"-Band DAYS N DAZE unterschreibt fuer ihr neues Album bei Fat Wreck Chords. Das neue Release "Show Me The Blueprints" soll am 1. Mai erscheinen - anbei gibt es mit "My Darling Dopamine" bereits einen neuen Song der Platte im Stream zu hoeren. Im Mai kommt die Band fuer einige Punk In Drublic-Festivaldates nach Europa. Die Bandmitglieder Jesse Sendejas und Whitney Flynn kommentieren:
”We're super excited to officially announce that we'll be releasing our new record "Show Me The Blueprints." through Fat Wreck Chords!! It was such a blast working with them!! Can't wait for y'all to hear the new tunes!! We’ll be hitting the road with Punk In Drublic throughout Europe, UK, the US and Canada. Also more dates are to be announced but we are very excited for the future!”
15.05.2020: Oberhausen, Turbinenhalle (Punk In Drublic Fest)
29.05.2020: Wiesen (AT), Festivalgelände Wiesen (Punk In Drublic Fest)
30.05.2020: München, Zenith (Punk In Drublic Fest)
31.05.2020: Berlin, Zitadelle (Punk In Drublic Fest)