DOWNFALL OF GAIA - Livedaten fuer April



Aktuell ist die Doomband aus Norddeutschland auf Tour mit HAMFERD (Metal Blade Records) - und bestaetigt bereits neue Termine fuer April. Zusammen mit HIGH FIGHTER und HEXER ist die Band an folgenden Abenden zu sehen um ihr aktuelles Album "Atrophy" (Metal Blade Records) vorzustellen.

DOWNFALL OF GAIA + High Fighter + Hexer:

04/04/18 DE - Köln / MTC (Downfall of Gaia ONLY)
05/04/18 DE - Würzburg / Immerhin (Downfall of Gaia ONLY)
06/04/18 CH - Winterthur / Gaswerk (Downfall of Gaia ONLY)
07/04/18 CH - Luzern / Treibhaus
09/04/18 IT - Milano / Circolo Svolta
10/04/18 AT - Graz / Explosiv
11/04/18 AT - Salzburg / Rockhouse
12/04/18 CZ - Prague / 007 Strahov
13/04/18 CZ - Brno / Kabinet Múz
14/04/18 DE - Leipzig / UT Connewitz

DOWNFALL OF GAIA kommentieren:


"Today we are glad to announce the second leg of our European Tour for April and we are very happy to announce that for this time we will have our very good friends in High Fighter and Hexer as special guests with us! The straight forward sound from High Fighter and the atmospheric walls of sound from Hexer will make this one a diverse and interesting package. We're really glad to have them on board and hope to see you in April! Looking forward to this one!"