EVERY TIME I DIE aus Buffalo, New York stellen zusammen mit der Ankuendigung zu ihrem "Every Time I Die’s Online Telethon Extravaganza“ am 19. Dezember ab 23h deutscher Zeit zwei neue Songs vor. "A Colossal Wreck" und "Desperate Pleasures" entstanden in Zusammenarbeit mit Produzent Will Putney (BODY COUNT, KUBLAI KHAN, THE GHOST INSIDE) und werden auf dem kommenden neuen Album der Hardcore/Metalband zu finden sein. Tickets und alle Infos zum Online-Streaming-Event gibt es HIER.
Sänger Keith Buckley zu den zwei neuen Songs:
"(The tracks are) two sides of the same reactionary coin. While ‘Colossal Wreck’ looks around at the current state of the world and says ‘life is a punishment and only the worst of us thrive’ and, ‘Desperate Pleasures’ takes a more optimistic approach and renounces the nihilistic/accelerationist attitude of the voice that came before. It says that without hope, even in the face of such universal anguish, only death is certain and to give up now when those around us need it most is a treacherous act of pure cowardice. That said, I'm not sure which is worse, bein-g a coward or being a cynic. Probably a coward. At least cynics have a sense of humor.”