GET THE SHOT - ab Ende Juni auf Tour



GET THE SHOT kommen aus Kanada und spielen Hardcore mit feinstem Beigeschmack von etwa COMEBACK KID oder FIRST BLOOD. Ab Ende Juni kommt die Band auf Tour, die wir stolze praesentieren. Vorab stellen GET THE SHOT um Frontmann J-P einen neuen Videoclip zum Track  "Faith Reaper" ins Netz, der unten zu finden ist. Im Winter erschien das aktuelle Album der Band ""Infinite Punishment" via New Damage Records. 

J-P sagt zum Clip:

"Friedrich Nietzsche once said that a small revenge is more human than no revenge at all. In that sense, Faith Reaper is a retaliation song as it is deeply rooted in ressentment and hatred toward the people who present themselves as standard bearers for virtue when they are in fact only serving their profound self-centered interests.

For the video, we wanted to show the drive, the vitality and the power of the Quebec City’s hardcore scene. We wanted it to be a perfect representation of what’s happening at our shows. We’re proud of what is going on in the underground scene in our town and it was a good opportunity to show the world that hardcore and metal music are alive and well in the cold north."

allschools presents:


28.06.2018 (DEU) Gardelegen, Metal Frenzy Open Air
30.06.2018 (DEU) Giebelstadt, Mission Ready Festival
01.07.2018 (DEU) Losheim, Reality Bites
04.07.2018 (DEU) Hamburg, Fabrique (Gängeviertel)
05.07.2018 (DEU) Essen, Don’t Panic
09.07.2018 (DEU) Chemnitz, AJZ
03.08.2018 (DEU) Breitungen, Bretinga Open Air
07.08.2018 (DEU) Trier, Ex-Haus
08.08.2018 (DEU) Stuttgart, Juha West
09.08.2018 (DEU) Torgau, Endless Summer
11.08.2018 (DEU) Vilmar, Tells Bells Festival