GOD FORBID - Beginnen mit den Aufnahmen zum neuen Album



GOD FORBID werden noch diese Woche mit den Aufnahmen zum "The Constitution of Treason"-Nachfolger beginnen. Lest dazu das Statement von Doc Coyle:

"Here we are! We have begun recording the new GOD FORBID album at Trax East in South River, NJ with Eric Rachel. Everyone in the band is really focused on this record and super excited about the songs. We did a very in depth pre-production for the last two weeks, where a lot of kinks have been worked out. There is more preparation for this album and any previous one. We have to give serious thanks to Steve Lagudi, who brought an entire studio to John's house to record pre-pro, and busted his ass engineering and tracking for two weeks. The material is varied and challenging, and I definitely feel another shift in the trajectory of our sound. We will be doing a studio blog keeping everyone posted about the progress, and also video taping as much as possible."