Die GOODTIME BOYS geben via Facebook ihre Aufloesung bekannt. Im Statement der Waliser Posthardcoreband heisst es:
"❀ T H A N K Y O U ❀
After being a band for just over six years we’ve decided to stop making music as GTB.
The band has become harder to manage over the past year or so and various things have contributed to us deciding to end it. We’ve toured with some incredible musicians and have made so many friends through music, it really has been more than we could have hoped for. Thank you to every single person that’s been involved with the band on all levels along the way. Promoters, labels and our friends have all been so generous and willing to take a chance on us.
Bridge Nine Records / Tangled Talk Records / Holy Roar Records / Palm Reader Records
Most of us will be making new music under a new name in 2015 which we hope to share with you soon.
It’s been great. Everything ends. X
GTB / Sam, Leigh, Lewis, Casey, Pennie"