HELLIONS - stellen neue Doppelsingle vor



Die Australier von HELLIONS veroeffentlichen mit ""24" (Feat. Josh Franceschi) / “Jesus of Suburbia (GREEN DAY Cover)"" eine neue Doppelsingle. Mit YOU ME AT SIX war die Band aus Sydney kuerzlich erst auf Tour - schnappte sich kurzerhand Frontmann Josh Franceschi und verpflichtete den Saenger der Briten fuer die Single. HELLIONS Gitarrist  Matt Gravolin erklaert:

“'24' deals with the importance of being oneself, detailing the struggles of maintaining grace and patience in times of tumult. Josh added a new dimension to the song with his performance and to watch him do so was awe-inspiring, especially after spinning YMAS single 'Give' and eventually the entirety of their latest record 'Night People' repeatedly during the preceding weeks. We're ecstatic to have been invited to share the stage with the boys in September and we're counting down the days!”