Die seit 2008 inaktive Hamburger Hardcore-Combo HOODS UP hat traurige Neuigkeiten; Alex, Gründungsmitglied und Sänger der Band, ist tot. Gitarrist Lexi hat gestern dieses Statement auf der Facebook-Seite von HOODS UP veröffentlicht:
It’s getting tougher to say the right things…
Find myself sitting in front of the screen and trying to find the right words for something that feels so surreal. It’s not tangible at all right now and it sure will take some time. It is with the heaviest of hearts that we have to announce the passing of our singer Alex. The news arrived early this week and until now we didn’t want to speak about it publicly but since the news started to spread on the net we now feel it is necessary to talk about it. To be honest, after the band broke up some of us lost touch, some even parted ways in a fight, but the time that we spent together was important and very intense for all of us. It’s something that we will never forget and that no one can take away from us. When the message about Alex’s death arrived we all were in shock. We couldn’t understand what happened, we still can’t and maybe we don’t even want to, right now.
I spent the night listening to our recordings, watching videos, looking at photos, trying to keep the tears away. It struck me, I found it hard to realize as Alex and I haven’t talked for some years, but this all at once didn’t matter anymore. We shared so much in the years of our friendship. We drove to so many shows together, listened to records, screamed our lungs out at shows. I especially remember a road trip Alex, Julez and I shared when we were following our friends in BANE throughout all their German shows in 2006, this was also the time HOODS UP started out. These days packed with 5 people in a tiny car, listening to weird things and talking shit during breakfast and singing along to BANE every night. This was an amazing week.
When we had just recorded our demo, Alex and I were talking about sending it off to some labels and we said „wouldn’t it be great to have Commitment Records release our 7“? Man, we did it. No one will ever take this away from us. Alex always was a guy of being all in or nothing at all. I remember the day Alex showed up to a rehearsal in a van, stating „this is the HOODS UP van“, all of us were like „seriously, are you insane?“ Maybe, but he was committed. Sure, we had our fights every now and then, but something I can say for sure is that if Alex believed in something he gave it all.
I could go on and on for hours talking about him, good things, bad things, it all doesn’t matter anymore as he will be missed.
We know people want to express their feelings and everybody is curious to know what happened but please be so kind and restrain from all this as there are people who really struggle with realizing what just happened and it’s hard enough for all of them to recover from this.
We all loved BANE and obviously the band got named after a one song of BANE, so I think it’s most fitting to end this with a quote of our friends:
„Sometimes it's death that sets us free
To ask for more, well it feels obscene
But what we had we will always have“
- Lexi (on behalf of HOODS UP)