Die finnischen Death-Metaller von KALMAH verkuenden ihr achtes Album: "Palo" erscheint am 6. April via Spinefarm - vorab stellen die Skandinavier mit "Evil Kin" einen neuen song der Platte inklusive Lyrikvideoclip vor. h
Gitarrist Antti Kokko der 1999 gegruendeten Band sagt dazu:
“Almost 30 years of swamp madness and here we are today representing our 8th album with fishing tridents sharpened shiny. The album stands strongly on the very roots of Kalmah sound yet introduces fresh breath from the Swamplord’s tar-stained lungs. Evil Kin as first single gives you riffs written back in 1991 blended with melodies of Kalmah today. It’s a perfect statement to show where we were and are right now.”
1. Blood Ran Cold
2. The Evil Kin
3. The World Of Rage
4. Into the Black Marsh
5. Take Me Away
6. Paystreak
7. Waiting in the Wings
8. Through the Shallow Waters
9. Erase and Diverge
10. The Stalker