Nachdem in kurzer Zeit zwei Gründungsmitglieder von MISERY SIGNALS ausgestiegen sind melden sich die verbleibenden Mitglieder zu Wort.
Ryan und Branden Morgan sowie Sänger Karl Schubach betonen: "Those are two really talented guys, and they will be hard to replace. But it was time for them to move on, which will be the best thing for them individually and the best thing for the band. It went down really amicably, and we remain best friends." [...] "In the next few months, we'll group back up and return."
"We've toured for 7 years straight, but 2009 was especially intense. We let up quite a bit to allow time for aspects outside of Misery Signals - but none of us have let up as musicians. We're all making music every day" so Gitarrist Ryan Morgan.