Wie Twilight-Autorin Stephenie Meyer offiziell auf ihrer Website verkündete hat, werden MUSE - Stephenies absolute Lieblingsband - den Titeltrack zu "Twilight: Eclipse" beisteuern:
Der Track heisst:
"Neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever)"
und erscheint am 18.05. als digitaler Download.
VÖ Soundtrack: "Twilight Saga: Eclipse - Biss zum Abendrot": 04.Juni 2010
Filmstart "Twilight Saga: Eclipse": 15.Juli 2010
Hier der Original-Kommentar von Seth Meyer, dem Webmaster der offiziellen Stephenie Meyer Webpage:
"The first single on "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack" has just been confirmed and I get to bring you the exclusive details. Stephenie's very favorite band, Muse, has contributed a song called "Neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever)" and it's the first single from the project. It will be out on May 17th. I haven't heard it yet, but I am very excited."