Nach dem diverse Communities im Internet in den letzten Tagen heiß diskutierten, ob MAROON-Sänger Andrre Moraweck ein Nazi ist (da er auf einem Foto ein T-Shirt der NSBM-Band Ornaments of Sin trägt), hat die Band nun folgendes Statement zu den Vorkommnissen gepostet:
"Now is the time to say something about the actual discussions and rumours on different internet forums concerning me wearing a shirt of the band Ornaments Of Sin:
First and for all time: I AM NOT AN NEO- NAZI!
Everything else would be a shame for me and the things ive done in the past 20 years. The Ornaments Of Sin Shirt was a gift from a fan I received on our tour with Obituary a few days before the interview in Spain where the photos were taken. I receive a lot of gifts at our shows, people talk to me and say thank you. In this moment you dont really realise what kind of gift it is. At this time I didnt know what this Band is and what development they had. I ve known them as a Black Metal Band without an political background.
Until the discussions started i wasnt aware of the political Background which I would not have tolerated. I never would have worn the shirt, I wouldnt have even accepted it or would have thrown it away! Those who know me, know that I always stood up against fascism (incl. NSBM) and I always will! But I also will not take part on the actual Witch-hunt of the whole black metal scene!
Please accept my apology, that i wore a shirt by a band without informing myself about this bands political background.
Andre Moraweck"