NASUM - "Domedagen" als 7" EP



Anlässlich des 20-jährigen Jubiläums der NASUM-EP "Domedagen" wird diese demnächst im 7"-Format wiederveröffentlicht. Auf der Homepage der Band heißt es:

The fourteen songs included two cover songs, two re-recordings and ten new songs, where the best ones were re-recorded for the "Industrislaven" MCD. In a way you can see "Domedagen" as a pre-production as it was recorded with a bunch of fellow sound engineer students of Mieszko's who had no knowledge of grindcore. It was a fun recording, but perhaps not all that serious from our part. The result became a rough recording that we copied to an unknown number of tapes (not that many, to be perfectly honest) and spread around the world.

Mehr Infos bekommt ihr z. B. auf der Band-Homepage oder bei