REACTIONS - EP´s als Gratisdownload



REACTIONS sind eine neuformierte Band aus Mitglieder von SOUND THE CITY, RADIODRIVEBY und OF SALT & SWINE. Die ersten zwei EP´s der Band namens "Under My Skin" und "For What It´s Worth" können gratis heruntergeladen werden.

Zur Zeit arbeiten die Jungs mit Unterstützung von Dan Parker (A CHANGE OF PACE) an einem dritten Release, welches gen Mai diesen Jahres erscheinen soll.

Weitere Infos zu REACTIONS:

"REACTIONS is not the typical rock band you might expect to find in Tempe AZ. Comprised of a diverse array of musical backgrounds, the band is made up of “secret” members, all hailing from previously well-known independent projects. Constructed of driving rhythms, catchy hooks and hard-hitting breakdowns, Reactions has created a new blend of rock and post-hardcore that is sure to turn heads.

Reactions was founded on a question...“Music is something you hear, right?” In an era where we obsessively consume the appearance of products, the concept of “hearing” may well be non-existent. Reactions launched the “Faceless” movement soon after the band was formed. The intent is to promote self-expression and encourage listeners to take pride in being different.

By covering their faces, band members Joseph Cook, Otis Loken, Tom Wright, Tony Azevedo and Kane Cooper give up the individualized attention typically desired by musicians. The act is done in an attempt to create a community of people brought together not by a shared interest in the latest trend, but by the love for music."