Die Belgier haben ein Video zum Track "Hidden Hands" fertiggestellt, zu dem sie folgendes loswerden möchte:
"From 8 in the morning 'till sunset, footage was shot of our friends pretending they were Rise And Fall. It resulted in 8 hours of footage which was later distilled into a 112 seconds long video by director Mathieu Vandekerckhove who also filmed the whole project. Look for members of Oathbreaker, Congress, Hessian, Reproach, Kindred, Amenra, Kingdom, Blind To Faith, Insult, Inhume, The Rott Childs, Kabul Golf Club, Kapitan Korsakov, Drums Are for parades, Minor Thieves, Vermin Twins, Officer Jones, Morrocan, Control Records, Rhythm To The Madness, Justice, Filler, and Joshua's Song.