ROCKSTAR RECORDS - Solidaritaet fuer Rojava



Aus Solidaritaet fuer Rojava plant ROCKSTAR RECORDS, 25% aus allen Verkaeufen in der kommenden Woche zu Gunsten von der Cadus und Jinwar Free Woman’s Village Organisationen zu spenden. Mehr Infos gibt es im Statement des Punkrocklabels anbei. HIER geht es zum Shop, HIER zur Bandcamp Seite. Jeder Be(i)trag zaehlt!


"Hey there.
Here are some personal thoughts and a tiny request. If you don't care about human rights and if you don't mind innocent civilians being killed, you can a) stop reading and b) fuck off.

The war of aggression in Rojava has left us speechless and also full of hate. The kind of hate you experience when you see an awful thing happening right in front of you and there is nothing you can do about it. More than often nowadays we feel this sort of helplessness and powerlessness.
This has to stop.

So, when our friend Franz asked us to join a collective of international DIY record labels to help the people of Rojava, naturally we agreed. It might not be much - but at least it's a start!"