SHARKS IN YOUR MOUTH - Videoclip zur neuen Single "Cult 404"



Zuletzt hatten die Italiener von SHARKS IN YOUR MOUTH ihr Album "Sacrilegious" veroeffentlicht - jetzt jegt die Metalband mit der Single "Cult 404" nach. Der Videoclip zum Song entstand in Zusammenarbeit mit Lucerna Film, der Titel selber wurde produziert mit Hilfe von Valerio Quirini und Andrea Pali. Im Statement der Band heisst es:

"'Nonexistent Generation', this is the meaning behind our new single and video for 'CULT 404'. We are becoming slaves to algorithms, appearances and superficial interactions. Mixed with a sci-fi / cyberpunk atmosphere, we have created a new concept for our next album which we don’t yet know the release date of since we are currently in lockdown again here in Italy. We drastically changed our sound, abandoning the orchestral section and working on synths and retro-wave effects. The video is a mix between a “Black Mirror” epi- sode and a videogame. The pandemic made us paranoid and worried about the future of the world. For 'CULT 404' it all began by watching Joe Rogan interviewing Elon Musk on his pod- cast. The main subject was “are we living in a simulation?” and if, in 2020, a video- game in Virtual Reality feels so real, then imagine in 100 years would we be able to know what’s real or a simulation? And more importantly are you sure you’re not al- ready living in an artificial world? Well, with these questions we have the basis for our next album concept. The record is almost ready. We just need to end this lock- down and track the voice part. Unfortunately one of us had Covid in the last month, but now he’s feeling better. However, we’re waiting for him to completely heal before we can finish this third record. With this shift of sound and style of Sharks In Your Mouth, we want to bring a new experience to our listeners, we can’t wait to show you all the new and crazy ideas we’ve been working on...