In einem Interview äußerte sich SLAYER Gitarrist Kerry King kürzlich zu diversen Themen.
Was den Wandel des individuellen Musikalischen Geschmacks über die Jahre betrifft hat King folgendes zu sagen:
"There's like an unwritten rule, especially in America, to where you reach a certain age and you can't like metal anymore. You're supposed to grow up. You're supposed to wear your fucking khakis and a shirt with a collar. But you can't listen to metal. You've got to listen to fucking Barry Manilow or whatever the hell it is.
"I'm still 17. That's probably why our music kicks so much ass, because we're still kids. You don't have to grow up."
Zum neuen Album und dem Unterschied zu "God Hates Us All" sagte King:
"I think they're similar records. After we did that, for a long time I ... was really questioning myself. Not that I couldn't out-do it, just, what was I going to do? What was I going to talk about? Things just worked their way out and we've got another 10 or 11 songs of debauchery to unleash on the world."
King äußerte sich ebenfalls zu den neuen Songs "Cult" und "Jihad":
"It's about America, and my perspective is it's the biggest cult in the world. 'Cult' is just basically pointing out flaws in religion, the typical SLAYER song."
"People make an assumption before they (read) the lyrics. I think that's going to happen with ('Jihad'). It's definitely not only human nature, it's very American-natured."