SPIRITBOX - Akustikversion von "Constance"



Im Rahmen einer Kirchenperformance fuers Grammy Museum, bei dem auch ein Streichertrio mitmischte, haben SPIRITBOX eine Akustikversion ihres Songs "Constance" aufgenommen. Diese erscheint als 7" und kann unten gestreamt werden. Am 17. September kommt dann mit "Eternal Blue" das langersehnte Debutalbum der kanadischen Metalband via Rise Records auf den Markt. SPIRITBOX Gitarrist Mike Stringer kommentiert die neue Akustikauskopplung:

"This live version of Constance was a very ambitious project for us. Before we left to start recording Eternal Blue, I had a roughdemo of an acoustic version of Constance written. While we were tracking the album, the Grammy Museum asked us if we’d want to contribute to their “Collection:Live” series with a live acoustic/stringed composition of the song. Of course this was a huge honor for us and something we couldn’t turn down, but it posed a challenge as we were recording in the middle of the desert, and I had never written a string composition before. After learning how to turn midi into notation, and some back and forthwith our producer Dan Braunstein, and violinist Haruka Horii, we had a version we were confident in. This was the first time wehad ever performed this song live, and the addition of the strings by Haruka Horii, Bonnie Brooksbank, and Mark Bassett reallybrought this whole thing to life. Putting this together was a great experience, and I hope to explore more acoustic compositionsin the future with Spiritbox.“