SPITALFIELD brechen Warped Tour ab



Es scheint schon fast zum Trend zu werden die diesjährige Warped Tour abzubrechen. Diesmal sind SPITALFIELD an der Reihe. Hier ein Statement:

"Hey everyone- sorry we haven't updated in a while. There is a lot going on over here, so expect more updates coming your way soon. First, as some of you have noticed-- we will not be finishing the remaining dates we had on this years Warped Tour. We are very sorry to anyone we've dissapointed- but here's how we'll make it up to you: We're playing six of the cities we're missing in a few weeks with our pals Bayside & Valencia. And for the other cities we're missing- we will be back through on a full US tour in October with Lucky Boys Confusion. Again, very sorry we can't be there."