STONE SOUR - Neues Album geplant



SLIPKNOT und STONE SOUR Frontmann Corey Taylor hat bei der AOL Website "Noisecreep" angekündigt, dass STONE SOUR Anfang nächsten Jahres das Studio betreten werden, um im Sommer eine neue Scheibe herauszubringen.

"We've already got ten tunes fully written and another 15 we're kind of working on here and there," sagte er. "When I'm not on the road I'm still working, I never stop. And it's really good, everything we're doing is really, really good."

Taylor äußert sich auch zu der musikalischen Richtung der neuen CD: "I can say the material is darker than [2006's] 'Come What(ever) May', but a lot more melodic, a lot stronger, a lot more mature, and the lyrics that are coming out of me are really good. I'm really excited."