Die Kanadier von THE AGONIST stellen ein neues Playthrough-Video zu ihrem Song "I Endeavor" ins Netz. Der Track stammt vom aktuellen Album "Eye Of Providence" (Century Media). Unten gibt es den Clip zu sehen. Gitarrist Paco Jobin zum Video:
"We are honored to have our second guitar playthrough video premiered on Guitar World! We have been getting awesome feedback from our fans after the first video and we can't thank them enough! They have also been requesting a few songs in particular. I'm happy to say that this time we brought you one that was in high demand! Probably because of it's intricate lead parts, driven bass patterns, shredding solo, nice long guitar melodies and chord extensions! Here is our second playthrough video for the song "I Endeavor" off our newest album Eye Of providence. This video is once again filmed/edited by our own bassist Chris Kells and he is right there with me as we both rip through this high energy tune!"