THE RUMJACKS - Jubilaeumsalbum am 12. Oktober



THE RUMJACKS aus Australien werden dieses Jahr zehn Jahre alt und feiern mit einem Jubilaeumsalbum namens "Saints Preserve Us!" Zum Titelsong der Platte, die am 12. Oktober in die Laeden kommt, stellt die Folkpunkband unten einen Videoclip vor - die Single kommentiert Frontmann Frankie McLaughlin wie folgt

The song is a great big sweep at how stupid we’re becoming, and my very real fear of what would happen if we were put to some kind of survival test...say if the big magical internet broke down & all the lights went out. It’s terrifying to contemplate! Myself and many of my friends are lucky enough to have been taught well by our Parents & Grandparents before them, a whole wealth of life skills & knowledge. I don't see that happening today with each passing generation. You wanna see the zombie apocalypse?? Try throwing a few switches & watch it all go to hell…hah!”