THE SHOWDOWN - Komplettes Konzert online



UVTV’s Heavy Metal Podcast haben ein komplettes Konzert von THE SHOWDOWN im The Lost Horizon in Syracuse NY gefilmt. Ihr findet den Videostream HIER.

Die Show wurde Ende vergangenen Jahres mit dem alten Line-Up gefilmt. THE SHOWDOWN haben sich kürzlich von AJ Barrette (drums; ex-STILL REMAINS) und Eric Koruschak (bass) getrennt.

Das neue THE SHOWDOWN Line-Up:

David Bunton - vocals
Joshua Childers - guitar
Yogi Watts - drums
Jeremiah Scott - bass

Die Band hierzu: "These dudes are in it for the long haul and we could not be any more excited to be playing music with them. Yogi has been on the road for a long time but most of you probably recognize him as the drummer for DEMON HUNTER. Jeremiah is in a metal band from Nashville called DESTROY DESTROY DESTROY, he also engineered 'A Chorus Of Obliteration' [2004] and co-produced 'Back Breaker' [2008]. We'll be on the road all year with these dudes, bringing heavy metal to a town near you, so come hang out with us! We're playing a lot of festivals this summer and in the process of booking several tours so keep an eye on our tour dates.

And last, we're already in the process of writing a record with these dudes and it's looking like its gonna be heavier than ever! Hoping to get in the studio sometime this fall so once again, keep your eyes peeled and we'll update you as soon as we can."