Am 18. Mai erscheint das neue THE SIDEKICKS Album "Happiness Hours" via Epitaph Records. Das neue Album der Band ist der Nachfolger zum 2015er-Album "Runners In The Nerved World" und John Agnello (SONIC YOUTH, DINOSAUR JR., KURT VILE) produziert und gemixt. Unten gibt es mit dem Song "Twins Twist" einen ersten Eindruck im Stream. Sänger und Gitarrist Steve Ciolek kommentiert:
“They are relative to my life, but they aren’t just about me. Unlike when you’re a kid, when every song has to be about falling in love or breaking up—about me, me, me—you get to a point when you really want your art to be inclusive. You want everyone to be able to locate themselves somehow in your songs.”