TURMOIL geben neuen Sänger bekannt



Das offizielle Statement zum neuen TURMOIL Sänger findet ihr nachfolgend:

"We are very excited to tell you that we have our new singer, and his name is Nate 'Everybody's Favorite Band Whore' Johnson. An observant bartender submitted a video of him doing his best Turmoil karaoke at Local Moose Lodge #42 in Ossipee, NH, and he fucking nailed it. Hopefully he'll stick around for more than 6 weeks. In all honesty he contacted us, told us he has been a longtime fan and submitted a demo. He has a great voice, great presence, and most important of all he is excited about the new recording. We've been trying to keep it under wraps since November because we wanted to present the news along with a finished version of the song 'Papercuts' to let it speak for itself, but due to the fact that he lives so far in the middle of nowhere that we could only reach him via carrier pigeon, it took a little longer than we planned. Here it is, hope you dig it."

Den neuen Song findet ihr Hier.