Gemäß MTV haben Victory Records nun HAWTHORNE HEIGHTS verklagt, nachdem zunächst die Band das Label mit einer 50 Seiten Klage angegangen ist. Das Label beschuldigt die Band u.a. des Vertragsbruches und der Beleidigung. Hier Auszüge aus der Gegenklage:
"The case filed by the plaintiffs in this action is really about greed, despite the unfounded and spurious laundry list of allegations made concerning Victory Records ... and its founder and owner, Anthony Brummel, who are responsible for putting the group on the map, The plaintiffs are now willing to say anything no matter how untrue or defamatory as a strategy designed to free themselves from their legal obligations to the independent record label that made them famous, in favor of the 'greener pastures' and financial inducements offered by so-called 'major' record distribution companies. Unfotunately, it is a common story in the music business."
Weiterhin versuchen Victory Records eine Unterlassungsanordnung gegen Virgin Records und EMI durchzubekommen, da sich diese Labels in Gesprächen mit HAWTHORNE HEIGHTS befinden.
Es bleibt spannend...