WEATHERSTATE - Video zu "Current Dose"



Mit “Current Dose" stellen WEATHERSTATE einen neuen Song vor, der von Alan Day (Four Year Strong) produziert wurde. Das zweite Album der Band aus Weymouth soll noch in diesem Jahr via Rude Records erscheinen. Zum neuen Song sagt die Rockband: 
It was actually one of the first songs we wrote for the new record and the first we worked on with Alan DayIt’s one of the grittiest songs we’ve written to date. We ended up tuning the guitars super low on one side and leaning into the riffs with Alan.
The bridge section is just noisy nonsense, we ended up stealing an idea from Nirvana’s Drain You and started spraying deodorant cans into microphones in the studio. Current Dose to me has loads of Foo’s energy. We jokingly referred to this song as “if QOTSA wrote Welcome To Paradise” haha.”