WOES - Video zu "Losing Time"



Die schottischen Poppunks von WOES stellen einen Videolcip zu ihrer neuen Single "Losing Time" ins Netz. Die Band hatte in diesem Jahr ihre Debut-EP veroeffentlicht und kommentiert den Clip wie folgt:

"Losing Time is probably the poppiest song we’ve ever written, but I love that about it, it’s a straight pop-punk song that you can sing along to. It has a simple message of not taking the time you spend with your loved ones for granted. We wrote these songs with the idea of playing them to big rooms, we’re super thankful to the dudes in Neck Deep for giving us the opportunity to do that. To a lot of people we’re probably maybe just a tiny name on the flyer, but we’re not coming to these shows to make up the numbers. We’re going to put on a show every night and have a good time doing it. We write songs with the intention of playing them in huge rooms, and this might be our first opportunity to do that, but it certainly won't be our last."