WSTR stellen eine neuen Doppelsingle vor. "Give Yourself A Try" enthaelt die beiden Coversongs "Give Yourself A Try" (The 1975) sowie "Gives You Hell"(The All-American Rejects) und ist ab sofort HIER erhaeltlich. Sammy Clifford, Frontmann der Poppunkband zu “Give Yourself A Try”:
“I was in a bit of a strange place when this song came out and I instantly fell in love with it as I’m sure a lot of people did. I was a little scared that it was a bit personal to cover, but I knew that I couldn’t leave it out”
Zu “Gives You Hell” hingegen sagt Clifford:
“Recording this song bummed us out so hard because we just wished we had written it. I’m so happy that I finally got to cover the song, it’s gonna give you hell”